Hide Featured Image from Gallary
add_filter( 'wpgs_show_featured_image_in_gallery', '__return_false', 20 );
Disable plugin slick js .
add_filter( 'wpgs_enqueue_slick_js', '__return_false' );
Add class into the main wrapper via a filter
add_filter('wpgs_wrapper_add_classes','wpgs_no_gallery_class' , 20 ,2);
function wpgs_no_gallery_class($class , $attachment_ids){
return ' new-class' ;
Hide the Featured image from the thumbnail gallery.
Note: this filter will only work when the lightbox for thumbnails is activated.
add_filter( 'wpgs_show_featured_image_in_gallery', '__return_false', 20 );
Some themes or plugins are set large size for woocommerce_gallery_thumbnail
image size or use this to other area. so in this case you can set your own image size .
add_filter('wpgs_new_thumb_img_size','my_new_thumbnail_size' , 20);
function my_new_thumbnail_size($size){
return 'prefix_my_thumb_size' ;
add_image_size( 'prefix_my_thumb_size', 100, 100, true ); // 100 pixels wide by 100 pixels tall, hard crop mode
Change lightbox image size
add_filter('gallery_slider_lightbox_image_size','my_new_lightbox_size' , 20);
function my_new_lightbox_size($size){
return 'large';
Change Image Zoom image size
add_filter('gallery_slider_zoom_image_size','my_new_zoom_image_size' , 20);
function my_new_zoom_image_size($size){
return 'full';
more about the image size: https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/add_image_size/
please let us know if you think we need to add any new hooks 🙂